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Bible Timeline

  Is the Bible Truly the Word of God?

PropheciesOld Testament
New Testament
Born in BethlehemMicah 5:2Matthew 2:1
Born of a VirginIsaiah 7:14Luke 1:26-31
From David's LineJeremiah 23:5Rev. 22:16
Attempt to Kill Him
as a baby
Jeremiah 31:15,16Matthew 2:13-18
Betrayed by a friendPsalm 41:9Matthew 26:25,34
Betrayed for
30 silver pieces
Zechariah 11:12,13Matthew 26:15
Death by CrucifixionPsalm 22
Zechariah 12:10
Mark 15:15
Gambled His ClothingPsalm 22:18Matthew 27:35
Bones UnbrokenExodus 12:46John 19:31-33
Buried in
rich man's grave
Isaiah 53:9Matthew 27:57-60
Day, year, hour
of death
Daniel 9:26,27
Exodus 12
Matthew 27
after 3 days
Hosea 6:2Acts 10:40

Note: The Dead Sea Scrolls testify that these prophecies were written before the birth Christ. Therefore, the discovery of the scrolls erases the notion that the prophecies were made up by Christian scholars in the course of translating the scriptures.