FALL FUND RAISERS in First Baptist Church, Malden.  Save the dates in your appointments calendar:  Saturday, October 13, 2007 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.-Board of Trustees sponsored Bonnet Sale on the church’s parking lot.  Saturday,  November 17, 2007 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.– ABW sponsored Flea Market in Judson Chapel, First Baptist Church,  Malden.

GALILEE BY-THE-SEA Vacation Bible school will be held August 13-17, 2007 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.  Registration forms are available on the table outside the Parlor.  Registration is due by July 20.  Please call the church office for inquiries.

Prayer Concerns. Please keep the following people in your prayers: Al Dean, Ann DiGiovanni, Todd Freeman and the Freeman Family, Richard Hatch, Frank Hoffman, Jean MacDonnell, John McHale and Family, George Mercuri and Family.

Summer Changes.  The summer Sunday schedule began on June 17 and will continue through September 2nd.  Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. in the air-conditioned parlor followed by light refreshment.  Bible Study will meet on the last three Tuesdays in July at 11:30 a.m. in the air-conditioned kitchen.

Offering. While most of us have some type of vacation or time off during the summer, the church still has bills to pay.  Please make every effort to keep your giving up to date.      Offerings can be sent (by mail) to the church office. Thanks, Richard     Freeman.

Church World Service/Tools of Hope Program.  People here in our own country and people all over the world benefit from your gifts of love through the Church World Service Tools of Hope Program.  This year our church gave a total of 117 ($585) tools to needy people recovering from devastation of some form.  Thank you to all who participated in this important program.

Thank You…to the following people who helped with the feeding ministry on Friday, June 16: Peggy Blum, Irving Greenblatt, Betty Hickey, Joseph W. Mercuri, Phyllis Knight, Bob Clarkson, Steve Lacey, Gino Graffeo, Phillip Sandberg, Marie Phinney, Cindy and Chuck Huddy, Henry Goldfarb, Paul Patrie, Lisa Jacobson, and Pastor Martha Dominy.  Thanks also to those who baked and donated cakes.

Camp financial gifts. Thanks to the following people who generously gave financial gifts to the camping program:  ABWM of First Baptist Malden, Charlotte Allen, Mildred Coombs, Lisa  Jacobson, and Noreen Jacobson. Also, thanks to all who dropped a dollar in the tents at coffee hour.  The children of our church thank you for the help in sending them to camp this year.

One Great Hour of Sharing Offering.  Thanks to all who have given to OGHS. To date we have received $ 891.08 toward our goal of $900.00.

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