Prelude: “Lord, Let Thy Spirit” by John Duro, based on the hymn “Berggren” by Andreas Peter Berggren
Welcome and Announcements: Michael Huddy
Call to Worship
Hymn: “Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove”
Praise and Worship with Chandru, Sugantha, Danny, and Rachel. “With All I Am” by Reuben Morgan, “Crowns” by Michael Fatkin, Scott Groom, and Benjamin Hastings
Moments of Prayer
Offertory: “Children of the Heavenly Father” by Robert J. Hughes, based on the tune “Sandell”, a Swedish folk melody
Scripture: Romans 5:1-5
Sermon: “Justified by Faith” by Rev. Michael Harvey
Hymn: “Jesus, My Strength My Hope”
Postlude: “March” by E.K. Heyser
Organist: Marilyn Glover

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Rev. Michael Harvey

We Welcome our Guest Preacher Rev. Michael Harvey. Rev. Harvey is the Executive Director Emeritus of the Conference of Baptist Ministers in Massachusetts. He is a graduate of Berea College in Kentucky and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois. He has been a pastor in rural Kentucky and urban Chicago. He is the author of a recent book of translations, poems and essays “Attempts at Light”. He is married to Paula and they have 3 grown children and two grandchildren.