Prelude: “Kum Ba Ya” by Douglas E. Wagner
Welcome and Announcements: Michael Huddy
Responsive Call to Worship
Hymn: “All Creatures of Our God and King”
Moments of Prayer
Worship Through Giving
Offertory Piano Solo: Marilyn Glover “All Things Bright and Beautiful”, “For the Beauty of the Earth” by Penny Rodriguez on the tunes Royal Oak, 17th Century English and DIX by Conrad Kocher, 1838
Scripture: Genesis 1:26-28; 2:15-18
Sermon: “In the Beginning – Before Barbie and Ken” by Rev. Miranda Kwon
Hymn: “How Great Thou Art”
Reading of the Church Covenant
The Lord’s Supper
Hymn: “In His Time”
Postlude “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” by Issac Watts (1715)
Pianist: Marilyn Glover
Listen to the Sermon >
Rev. Miranda Kwon. September 3, 2023

We Welcome Rev. Miranda Kwon to the pulpit today. Rev. Kwon is an American Baptist ordained minister. She was born in South Korea and raised under a Buddhist mother and an atheist father. Influenced by her late father who loved classical music, she played the piano and violin from the young age and went on to study music at New England Conservatory of Music in Boston and Hartt School, University of Hartford, CT. She then studied Computer Science at Connecticut State University and worked as a programmer/analyst at a global company in CT. By God’s grace, she became a Christian at the age of 38. She then went back to South Korea and served at an international church in Seoul in many ministries such as homeless, anti-human trafficking, orphanage, and women’s care (pastoral counseling ministry). She was also actively involved in overseas outreach ministry and went on short term mission trips to such countries as Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Oman, and U.A.E. Then God called her back to the US to be formally trained at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in S. Hamilton, MA (M. Div. and Th. M. in NT), during which time she served at Park Street Church in Boston in College Ministry and volunteered locally, including at women’s prison in Essex County. She joined FBC Melrose in 2021 where she is currently serving as the Worship Pastor. She also joined the US Army and started service as Chaplain since 2023. She also serves locally as an Asian Cultural Advocate of MBMM (MA Baptist Multicultural Ministries) and a Director of Missions at TABCOM. She is married to Woei Wang, her loving and supportive husband of nine years.