Prelude: “Unto Us A Boy is Born” by Roger C. Wilson, Based on the 15th century carol, “Puer Nobis Nascitur”
Call to Worship and Invocation: Michael Huddy

Lighting the Christ Candle

Light the Christmas candles, now, Sing of donkey, sheep and cow;
Birthday candles for the King, Let the Alleluias ring.
Candle, candle burning bright, Shining in the cold winter night;
Candle, candle burning bright, Fill our hearts with Christmas light.
(Words and music by Mary Lu Walker, Paulist Press, 1975, CCLI #460144)





Special Music: Sugantha Jeevankumer  with Chandru at the piano “Noel” by Chris Tomlin

Carol: “Angels from the Realms of Glory”

The Prophecy

Scripture: Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 11:1-3a, Isaiah 9:2, Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 7:14

Carol: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

The Angel’s Message to Mary

Scripture: Luke 1:26-35, 37-38, 46b-49

Solo: Irene Hofmann “Mary Did You Know?” Mark Lowry & Buddy Greene

The Angel’s Message to Joseph

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-24a

Carol: “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming”

The Birth of Jesus

Scripture: Luke 2:1, 3-7

Carol: “Away in a Manger”

The Angel’s Message to the Shepherds

Scripture: Luke 2:8-12

Special Music: Chandru Muthurajan “The Hope of Christmas” by Matthew West

Scripture: Luke 2:13-14


Piano Solo: Ysabella “Bella” Lantin

Carol: “Angels We Have Heard on High”

The Shepherds’ Response

Scripture: Luke 2:15-18

Carol: “Go Tell It on the Mountain”

The Search for the Child

Scripture: Luke 2:20, Matthew 2:1-5a, 7, 9-12

Carol: “We Three Kings”


Carol: “O Little Town of Bethlehem”

The Circle of Light: Congregation.   Watch Video




Jesus Christ, The Light of the World

Scripture: John 1:1-5, 14a, 1 John 1:5-7, John 8:2

Carol: “Silent Night, Holy Night”

Litany of Joy

Leader: We praise you, Lord, for all the Joys of Christmas: for the wonder and mystery of your creation.

People: Let the whole creation cry, Glory to the Lord on high.

Leader: We thank you, Lord, for the joy of your salvation, for your eternal promises, for your word of peace and hope.

People: We adore you, gracious Lord, praise your name with one accord.

Leader: We bless you, Lord, for the love which sent Jesus to be one of us: the Savior who forgives us, the Redeemer who saves us, the Brother who loves us.

People: Glory be to God in heaven, who to us his son has given.

Leader: Help us, O Lord, to look past the tinsel and to know the joy of sharing Christ.

People: O wake, my heart, in gladness sing to keep this Christmas for my King.

Leader: We sing with the angels, we kneel with the shepherds, we worship with the sages, we rejoice with the saints.

People: With all creation now we shout: “Joy to the world, the Lord is Come!”

Carol: “Joy to the World”


Postlude: “Rejoice” by James Denton


Worship Participants:

Organist: Marilyn Glover

Worship Leader: Michael Huddy

Lighting of Christmas Candle: Prarthana and Ysabella

Soloists: Irene Hofmann, Sugantha Jeevankumar, and Chandru Muthurajan

Piano Solo: Ysabella Lantin

Piano Accompanist: Chandru Muthurajan

Carols: The Congregation

Stage Nativity, Christmas wreath and Lighting: Andrew Nowak