Prelude: “Easter Dawn of Peace” by John M. Rasley
Welcome and Announcements: Rev. Gary McClenthen
Responsive Call to Worship led by Dr. Philip Conti
Hymn: “”Christ the Lord is Risen Today”
Special Music: Sugantha and Chandru “Perfectly Loved” by Andrew Ripp, Ethan Hulse and Rachel Lampa
Moments of Prayer
Worship Through Giving
Offertory Choir Anthem: “Joy in the Morning” by Natalie Sleeth
Choir Director: Richard Freeman
Hymn: “Christ Arose”
Scripture: John 20:6-7; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 read by Jeffrey Lantin
Sermon: “Prepare For Take-Off by Rev. Gary McClenthen
Songs to our Risen Lord sung by Rev. Gary McClenthen
Musical Benediction
Postlude: “Christ Hath Triumphed, Alleluia!” by Robert J. Hughes
Organist: Marilyn Glover
Listen to the Sermon >