Prelude: “Let Us Break Bread Together” a Spiritual arranged by Cindy Berry

Responsive Call to Worship: Michael Huddy – Leader

Leader: This is a night to remember.
People: We remember the Passover Jesus shared with his disciples.

Leader: We remember his new covenant of broken bread and cup.
People: We remember his night alone in the garden in prayer.

Leader: We remember his arrest, his trial, his suffering, the denial by his friend.
People: We remember this night and thank God for Jesus’ presence with us then and with us now.

Opening Prayer
Hymn: “Were You There?”
Scripture Reading: John 13:31-38 read by Launa Cooper

Solo: Chandru Muthurajan “Crowns” Michael Fatkin, Scott Groom, Benjamin Hastings

Verse 1
There is a hill I cherish. Where stood a precious tree
The emblem of salvation, The gift of Calvary

Verse 2
How is it I should profit, While He is crucified
Yet as His life was taken, So I was granted mine

(And all) My wealth is in the cross
There’s nothing more I want
Than just to know His love
My heart is set on Christ
And I will count all else as loss
The greatest of my crowns
Means nothing to me now
For I counted up the cost
And all my wealth is in the cross
(Yes all my wealth is in the cross)

Verse 3
I will not boast in riches, I have no pride in gold
But I will boast in Jesus, And in His Name alone

Verse 4
And when I stand in glory, My crowns before the Lord
Let this be my confession, My wealth is in the cross

And all my wealth is in the cross
My wealth is in the cross
And all my wealth is in the cross

Scripture Reading: John 14:1-14 read by Dorothy Berry


Leader: Jesus said, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.”
People: This he said to the disciples, after washing their feet and having supper with them.

Leader: Tonight we remember that night and those words.
People: Above all, we remember his breaking of the bread and his pouring of the cup, symbols of his imminent death.

Leader: O God, let this service of remembrance remove any illusions we have about our own courage and faithfulness.
People: Help us to realize our entire dependence on Christ’s courage, faithfulness, and forgiveness.

Leader: With contrite hearts, let us hail the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
People: Through whose sacrifice for us we are pardoned and healed. Amen.

Scripture Reading: John 14:15-21 read by Jose Lantin, Jr.

Meditation: “What’s New About Love?” by Michael Huddy
Hymn: “What Wondrous Love Is This?”

Solo: Irene Hofmann “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross” words by Fanny Crosby, music by William H. Doane, arranged by Robert Sterling (ASCAP)

Observance of the Last Supper

Hymn: “The Old Rugged Cross


Leader: Go into the world in peace, renewed and strengthened by God’s Spirit.
People: We go to serve in the name of Christ.

All: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.

Pianist: Marilyn Glover

Listen to the meditation >