Sunday Worship Service
July 24, 2022
Message by Rev. Becke Drake

Scripture: John 6:19-39

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Rev. Becke Drake. July 24, 2022

Rev. Becke Drake is a part time Associate Pastor of the International Source of Light Church, a Haitian Community-based church serving the Revere, Massachusetts Community and beyond.
She graduated from the Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School and was ordained in the American Baptist Churches of USA in 2015. Her work following ordination includes the publishing of her personal grief journey on the death of her husband and has been well-received internationally. The book is a combination of poetry and narrative which provides a forum in which traditional issues related to grief and loss that matter to the contemporary person are brought forward into the 21st century.
The book led Rev. Becke Drake to form her consulting company, KokoroLife Consulting, which focuses on serving people in their journey of grief and loss. In 2017, Becke co-founded the Tiki Yiki Foundation, whose aim is to facilitate education, healthcare awareness and food security to handicapped children in Burkina Faso, French West Africa.
As a musician, Becke has written and performed several of her works internationally, using Bible references to convey her contemporary perspectives on a plethora of social issues. Rev. Becke Drake speaks both English and French. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, reading, writing, music and creating new vegetarian dishes to share with friends.