Sunday, March 15, 2020
Message by Rev. Martha Dominy
Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Below are words to a hymn written this week by the Rev. Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, a Presbyterian pastor and contemporary hymn writer. We have sung several of her hymns over the years. She had recommended a different tune, but I found “Hymn to Joy” (aka “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”) from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony to work well. She has granted permission for it to be used in local congregations. I used this as my prayer today in the recorded message that is available on our website.

Please keep each other in prayer, as well as the world’s population, as health officials work to contain the COVID-19 virus. Stay healthy and safe.

As we continue to practice “social distancing,” if I can be of pastoral help via phone, internet, etc. please let me know.

Pastor Martha
Click for organ accompaniment  
“God Whose Will is Health and Wholeness”

God whose will is health and wholeness, hear your people as we pray:
Many now are facing illness; more face sickness every day.
As we lift our song toward heaven, may we use the gifts you give —
Science, justice, and compassion — to help others safely live.

Jesus taught that your commandments call for us to use the mind.
May we use the gifts of science to seek health for humankind.
Bless the ones who work for healing; bless the ones who seek to be
Builders of a health care system that protects society.

God, you call for love and justice, yet our laws are far from wise:
Many don’t have good insurance; lack of health care threatens lives.
Many workers must keep working, sick or not, to pay the bills.
Turn us round when we have sanctioned greed that leads to greater ills.

Loving God, we ask your blessing on the sick and those they love,
And we pray for those now grieving as they lift their cries above.
There is trouble all around us; illness causes pain and fear.
Give compassion, love and kindness as we serve your people here.

Text: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette © 2020 All rights reserved.
Permission is given for use of this hymn in local churches,
Loving Your Neighbor in a Time of Coronavirus by Jim Wallis
was helpful background reading for the creation of this hymn
Tune: Hymn to Joy (Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee)
Ludwig van Beethoven, 1824 from the 9th Symphony

God is good all the time! May you’ll be encouraged by these words. Please share with family members and friends. “Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6