Sermon: “Things We’d Like To Forget?” Rev. Martha Dominy
Scripture: Genesis 22:1-14; Luke 22:14-27
Offertory Solo: David Williams “Comfort Ye My People” G.F. Handel
Praise and Worship Singing with Sugantha Jeevankumar and Chandru Muthurajan
Guest Pianist: Mickel Gordon
Pianist: Marilyn Glover
Listen to the Sermon >
Today, we feature David Williams to sing “Comfort Ye My People” from The Messiah by G. F. Handel.
Also, we have with us a guest pianist, Mickel Gordon who will play the prelude: “Consolation No. 3” by Franz Liszt and the postlude: “Novellette No. 1” by Robert Schumann. Mickel is from Jamaica and is the cousin of Launa Cooper and Dorothy Berry majoring in voice and piano in the University of Arkansas.