Prelude: “Trust” by Roger Sommers
Welcome and Announcements: Rev. Gary McClenthen
Responsive Call to Worship led by Linda Febles
Hymn: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
Praise and Worship with Sugantha, Chandru, Danny, and Rachel
Moments of Prayer
Worship Through Giving
Offertory Choir Anthem: “Sanctuary” by John Thompson and Randy Scruggs (With “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” by Robert Robinson, Music from The Sacred Harp), all arranged by Stan Pethel
Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-5 read by Jeffrey Lantin
Sermon: “Real Faith: Faith Testers: Fear” by Rev. Gary McClenthen
Hymn: “God Will Take Care of You”
Postlude: “Go Down, Moses” a Spiritual Arranged by Martha Sherrill Kelsey
Pianist: Marilyn Glover
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Rev. Gary McClenthen