Prelude: “Grace and Peace to You” by Ben Logan
Welcome and Announcements: Debbie Smith
Call to Worship
Hymn: “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty”
Moments of Prayer
Worship Through Giving
Offertory: “Meditation on Beach Spring” by Hugh S. Livingston, Jr.
Scripture: John 6:1-13
Sermon: “Miracle on the Hillside” by Rev. Dr. Adelard Everton
Hymn: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
Postlude: “Battle Hymn of the Republic” by Rex Koury
Organist: Marilyn Glover

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Rev. Dr. Adelard “Al” Everton. July 17, 2022

Rev. Adelard “Al” Everton was born in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, the youngest in a family of seventeen children. He felt called to the ministry as a teen and after serving in the US Army, he attended college, and then seminary. Rev. Everton then received his doctorate from Andover Newton. During his career, he was active in the Judson Association, having served as Moderator. Rev. Everton is a Fellow in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. Pastoral counseling was a focus of his career. Always by his side is his wife for 63 years, Princess, who is a registered nurse. Rev. Everton taught clinical Pastoral Education to students from various seminaries.