Prelude: “We Gather Together” by David Paxton
Welcome and Announcements: Michael Huddy
Call to Worship and Invocation
Presentation of Thanksgiving Offering and In-gatherring
Hymn: “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”
Moments of Prayer
Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7, Isaiah 64:1, Malachi 4:4-6, Deuteronomy 8:2-3
Sermon: “Advent, The Darkness” by Rev. Jeffrey Spencer
Hymn: “Now Thank We All Our God”
Postlude: “Praise and Thanksgiving” by Franklin Ritter
Organist: Ms. Marilyn Glover
Listen to the Sermon >

Rev. Jeffrey Spencer

Our Guest Preacher is Rev. Jeffrey Spencer. Rev. Spencer was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1963.  He attended the Western Avenue Baptist Church as a child. When Jeffrey and his twin sister were dedicated, the officiating Pastor, Rev. Benton Harris told his parents that he would become a Minister. He graduated from Andover/Newton Seminary in 2018 with a Master of Divinity Degree and Certification in Pastoral Care.  He was recently Ordained a Reverend by the Judson Association and ABC-USA in April 2021.