Prelude: “Deep River” Spiritual, arranged by Robert W. Thygerson
Welcome and Announcements: Jeffrey Lantin
Call to Worship and Invocation
Praise and Worship with Chandru Muthurajan
Mission Moment with Marilyn Glover, Launa Cooper, Dorothy Berry, and Cindy Huddy
Hymn: “His Grace Is Sufficient for Me”
Moments of Prayer
Scripture: Deuteronomy 1:38-40 and Matthew 4:1-11
Sermon: “It’s Not a Delay It’s Preparation” by Rev. Marlene Gil
Hymn: “Let Us Build a House of Worship”
Postlude: “Sortie” (Departure) by George Blake

Organist: Ms. Marilyn Glover

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Rev. Marlene Gil

We welcome to our Pulpit the Rev. Marlene Gil. Rev. Gil is the Associate Executive Minister for Congregational Relations and also serves as the Area Resource Coordinator the Old Colony Baptist Association. Currently, she acts as Liaison to FBC Malden, MA. Pastoral Search Committee. She has served churches in Massachusetts since 1986 and was part of the task force of the Old Colony Baptist Association that developed the model of Area Ministry we are now implementing today in all 8 associations. Marlene is a graduate of Yale Divinity School. She also holds an MSW degree from Columbia University and as an LCSW has had considerable professional experience as a social worker. She and her husband live in Taunton