Prelude: “Close to Thee” by Lani Smith, to the tune by Silas J. Vail
Welcome and Announcements: Andrew Nowak
Call to Worship
Praise and Worship with Chandru at the piano “You Are My King” by Billy J. Foote; “Draw Me Close” by Kelly Carpenter
Hymn: “For the Beauty of the Earth”
Moments of Prayer
Scripture: 2 Samuel: 7:1-12 and John 4:19-21
Sermon: “Worshipping Beyond Four Walls of the Church” by Rev. Dr. Mar Imsong*
Hymn: “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”
Postlude: “Our Lord, Master of All” by Rex Koury
Organist: Ms. Marilyn Glover

Listen to the Sermon >

*We welcome to our pulpit, Rev. Dr. Mar Imsong. Rev. Imsong, is currently the Executive Director of Massachusetts Baptist Multicultural Ministries (MBMM). As an ordained American Baptist Minister, Rev. Imsong is an advocate for immigrant pastors and recognizes and celebrates the cultural and ethnic diversity.

Rev. Dr. Mar Imsong

Rev. Dr. Mar Imsong is originally from Nagaland in northeast India. He holds a doctoral degree (Th.D.) in Social Ethics from Boston University School of Theology. Prior to coming to the United States Rev. Imsong worked in the Student Christian Movement of India, sensitizing and advocating for justice and human rights for the poor and marginalized in India. He also taught Christian Theology in Oriental Theological Seminary and Bishop’s College Kolkata. He authored several journal articles including the book “God-Land-People: An Ethnic Naga Identity.” His scholarly interest intersects with contemporary issues of culture and theology.

Rev. Imsong is a trainer, coach, mentor, public speaker and preacher. Mar, as we casually call him in church, is an observant listener, preacher, activist, bridge-builder and he enjoys gardening and fishing. His wife, Bendangla “Ben”, has served as a co-minister and is now a pre-school teacher. He and Ben have a daughter, Aren now a Senior IT Business Relationship Manager and sons, Stephen now a Mechanical Engineer and Kirs now a Senior Software Engineer.