Jacob’s Dream at Bethel.

Jacob’s dream looks forward to Jesus who is the bridge between heaven and earth. Jesus said “…you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” John 1:51

Dreaming while asleep can be horrifying or calming depending on what the dream is about. As to Jacob’s dream, it was reassuring presence of God and blessings in his life. Can Jacob’s dream reassure us of God’s guidance and help as well?
Prelude: “Going Home” by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904), Arranged by Rick Parks
Welcome/Call to Worship/ Invocation
Hymn: “Blessed Assurance”
Scripture: Genesis 28:10-19a
Sermon: “Heavenly Dreaming” Rev. Martha Dominy
Hymn: “Be Still and Know”
Postlude: “Crown Him Lord of All” by Gilbert M. Martin, From the tune DIADEM by James Ellor, 1838
Organist/Pianist: Ms. Marilyn Glover